Welcome to Redstone Ridge Farm! We have created this blog to share some of the more memorable events that are a part of our lives here on the hill in upstate New York, just across the Vermont border.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Arches National Park

 We reached Arches National Park in Moab, Utah September 29.
We went on a short hike in the beginning of the day. It was really fun, the rocks were amazing.

This rock formation is called Balance Rock. It is amazing there is almost nothing holding the rock up.

Like the tourists that we are, we decided to take a 2 mile hike to see Landscape Arch, in the hottest part of the day, in the desert. That was a REALLY hot walk, not one of the more pleasant parts of the trip.  

Landscape Arch
Visitors to this Arch used to be allowed to walk underneath it, until a huge slab broke off. Because they are unsure of the stability of the arch we were not allowed to get very close.

Resting in the shade of one of the few trees. We found that the sand was very cool, so we buried our hands.

Later, we hiked to Wolffe Ranch where we saw these Petroglyphs.

These drawings are Petroglyphs, which means that they are chipped into the stone. Another type of cave drawing is called Pictograph which is drawn onto the stone.

Delicate Arch
The opening is32 feet wide and 46 feet tall. This Arch has been likened to A Ladies' Bloomers and a Cowboy's Chaps.   

At the end of the day we visited the Windows Arches. Which we think look like two eyes and a big nose.

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