Welcome to Redstone Ridge Farm! We have created this blog to share some of the more memorable events that are a part of our lives here on the hill in upstate New York, just across the Vermont border.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Antelope Island, Salt Lake City, Utah (by Lauren)

 September 27, we reached Antelope Island, Utah. As its name suggests Antelope Island is an island with... go figure, Antelope! It is the largest of ten islands on the Great Salt Lake. It is home to hundreds of bison and deer, and small herd of Antelope.
Pronghorn Antelope on Antelope Island

When we parked the RV the girls went outside and built ski resorts in the pebbles.

We went for a walk on the beach of the Great Salt Lake and found this strange metal ball. Dad thought that it was a buoy, Annabelle disagreed, she thought it was a cannonball.

We walked all the way down to the salty water, boy did it smell! There were many, tiny, shrimp that had washed up and died on shore, YUCK.

Red Stone Ridge Farm made it to the Great Salt Lake.

Sunset at Antelope Island

1 comment:

  1. Quinn thinks that metal ball thingy is a "sunken ship or something."
    Cool pictures.
