Welcome to Redstone Ridge Farm! We have created this blog to share some of the more memorable events that are a part of our lives here on the hill in upstate New York, just across the Vermont border.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tetons. (Your Exclusive Update, by Lauren)

We arrived Saturday at the Tetons

The grey, craggy mountains are such a stark contrast between the flat, golden prairie
The view of the Mountains was somewhat distorted because of a Forest Fire in Idaho.

But I think that it added to dramatic effect, making the mountains look even more impressive.

 Ten years ago Dad and I came to Utah to visit his friends, I was 7 years old. When we stopped for lunch, in this same parking lot, I had insisted on eating on the roof of the car because I was afraid of the coyotes. Following tradition, when we stopped in the parking lot all the girls got on the roof for a photo.

Our real main objective at Teton National Park was to see a Moose. So we stopped at a Visitor Center and asked the Ranger if she could suggest a trail on which we would have a good chance of seeing a Moose. She suggested the Jenny Lake trail. A five mile round trip trail that had two major destinations; Hidden Falls and Moose Pond. Her only suggestion was that we make lots of noise. Why?...
...Because of the Bears.

Hidden Falls was Beautiful, and luckily we saw no Bears.
Unfortunately we saw no Moose either.
We were able to spot some Elk, with the help of our binoculars. There were quite a few elk wandering around on one of the mountains across from us. Daddy REALLY enjoyed the elk sighting,  he said that he felt like he was in heaven.

But our Teton trip wasn't complete until we left Teton National Park and started on our way to the camp ground where we were going to stay for the night. We noticed a large amount of cars parked along the side of the road, we stopped, and wouldn't you know, there was a bull moose lying in some bushes, down by the river.

He was one huge guy. And just before we left, a Momma Moose and her baby showed up, giving us a view of a full moose family. 
Today and tomorrow we will reach Canyon Lands National Park and Arches National Park. We will post more then. Miss You All!


  1. That bull moose was cool. Thanks for taking a picture of it for us. CJ

    That bull moose was really cool. I loved it. It was like 'Hugenormous'. Love, Miriam

    These views can't compare to our views from the 8th floor. hee hee!

  2. Great pictures again.
    Cute story about eating lunch on the roof of the car because you were afraid of wild animals...I can TOTALLY relate to that.

  3. Quinn says: We love you! I got new books from the book fair at school. I really like the bison crossing the road, they are really really funny. My favorite color is red and blue and green. We love you,
    Brendan and Me

  4. any more bears? maybe the gps can help find them?

  5. Looks wonderful!! We are enjoying this tour of these great United States...vicariously! Thanks for all the photos and updates!! Love you all. (PS: Zeph says: I like the picture of Annabelle and I miss her.)

  6. Love the contrast between yellow prairie and grey stones, and the fact that you spell grey with an "e"!
